Split system air conditioning

Ceiling Fans vs Air Conditioning

The great debate between ceiling fans and air conditioning, which is more cost effective?

AAE Industries presents 3 main points in discussing this question:

Upfront Cost

An average household would need 5 ceiling fans (one per room). The costs of ceiling fans range from $100-$400. Should you decide to get the ones costing $250 each, it will cost you a total of $1250 for 5 ceiling fans.

On the other hand, an average air conditioning unit will set you back anywhere between $700-$2000. Initial upfront costs are roughly similar in comparison to ceiling fans upfront cost.

Heat Factor

Ceiling fans push the air around the room rather than cooling a room down. They are better used for passing air over the skin allowing your body to cool itself and adjust to the change in temperature.

Simply put, ceiling fans do not remove humidity or actually lower the temperature of the room.

A split system air conditioner will recycle the air in a room - removing humidity and cooling the room down.  


There is no denying that trying to sleep through a Queensland summer is a struggle.

Many of us put the ceiling fan on to offer some relief. Unfortunately, ceiling fans do make horrible sounds that could interrupt your sleep.

Having an air conditioning unit will lower your room temperature and provide you with a quiet night sleep.

Change those old ceiling fans with a split system air conditioner system for a better and comfortable living.

AAE provides air conditioning installation throughout South East Queensland.